Autismus, So Far
November 23, 2020
This past year, I have began creating one of my first series, titled ‘Autismus’ it’s a series all about my personal journey with my autism and how since my early diagnosis, I have grown into adulthood with it.
I have always known I have autism, but I never truly understood…
The Waiting Game
November 16, 2020
I’ve gotten to the point in this year long project of writing a blog post every week, where I feel unsure as to how I wish to round off this year. As we draw into the end of 2020, I feel a pressure to perfectly end this year, writing exactly…
November 9, 2020
“Have no fear of perfection - you’ll never reach it.”
― Salvador Dali
What would you rather be? Perfect or Imperfect?
For me, I have realised I can be a beautiful combination of the both: I never want to choose one or the other, so I will keep my writing…
November 2, 2020
This can mean two things:
we are a part
to be separated from
It can also be
to be apart of something
involved and together.
At the moment we are both of these at the same time. We are together, but divided at the same time. Never in…
Monthly Reflection: October
October 26, 2020
October: the month where we began to feel autumnal and I finally created some concepts I have had planned for over a year
Heres some personal highlights from this month:
-shot surrounded in mannequins and beautifully decayed walls
-my partners brother and his partner got engaged!
-released my first ever…