Finding Inspiration
2020-07-06 11:37:13 UTCInspiration is such a key part to creativity, in the past I would tend to only seek inspiration through other photographers work. But more recently I have come to realise that there is so much inspiration to be found out there, in all kinds of mediums. Heres a list of… -
Monthly Reflection: June
2020-06-29 07:56:52 UTCAs we come to the end of June, its time to reflect on what this month has brought me and see how far we’ve come Some things I’ve been able to achieve: 1) Went to a Black Lives Matter protest 2) Attended my Brooke Shaden mentoring group every Saturday. 3)… -
Consistency in the otherwise Inconsistent
2020-06-22 07:51:04 UTCI love this contrasting title, it’s one that spontaneously came to me, and I knew it would be perfect as a blog topic. So lets discuss shall we! In these crazy times right now, I have come to accept that one of the greatest devices we have to aid us… -
Half Way There! Reflection on 2020 so far.
2020-06-15 07:55:21 UTCLets just take a second to breathe and reflect! *in for 3* *hold for 3* *out for 3* *thinks about this year so far* *regrets thinking about this year so far* Only joking! It has been a hurricane of a year, but one with some bright spots amongst the chaos. … -
Notebook of Ideas.
2020-06-08 08:05:43 UTC“It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien I loved this quote when looking into ideas behind planning. I find that this part of my work is vital; its one I think easily overlook as we never…