‘In the Bush.’
June 2, 2020
Now this is a phrase you will hear a lot if your ever go on a shoot with me! We will alway end up being in the centre of a piece of shrubbery; leaves in our hair and twigs poking us in the eye!
its something that I picked up…
Monthly Reflection: May
May 25, 2020
Another month we can safely say is ticked off and completed (for the most part.) Now I will say that that is a low key sad way to see things, but right now. Life just seems like a countdown, safely saying we’ve done another day, one day at a time…
May 18, 2020
look here,
i’m in sunlight.
look down and through,
i’m in shade.
I wrote that little *I guess you’d call it* poem back in June/July of 2018, when we were in the middle of moving house. We were living in a little cottage, sharing the tiny space between three of…
prioritising prioritise
May 11, 2020
I wanted to talk today about what it means to balance the many focuses we may have. For me, I find I have many separate focuses in life, which can be broken down into two main catalogues: loved ones and work
Lets break these down further…
This one used…
Lesson Learnt
May 4, 2020
This week I wanted to go over an idea I have been pondering over for a while now which is the title of this blog post: ‘Lesson Learnt.’
I have come to the conclusion that with every photoshoot, I learn something. Every photoshoot of mine that I’ve done I can…