
look here,

i’m in sunlight.

look down and through,

i’m in shade.

I wrote that little *I guess you’d call it* poem back in June/July of 2018, when we were in the middle of moving house. We were living in a little cottage, sharing the tiny space between three of us, not having a permanent residency as of yet. I remember sitting out side for as much as I could, as it had a lovely overgrown garden attached. I sat there for so long until I felt inspired. 

I would then write how I felt, as at the time, this was the best way for me to express what I needed to. I wrote in this little notebook that I decided to dedicate to writing. It was something that I didn’t need approval on, or to really share- it was something I could hold so preciously for myself. 

I then realised that I could use these little poems as inspiration for a photoshoot, creating a visual to aid my words and vice versa.

These metaphorical horizons seemed to be a bold separation between things. I felt this awful divide where I could see different sides of myself form. Where what I showed the world, masked how I was really feeling. 

I sat with these words for a while, knowing that one day I would think of the best way to visualise this. I trialled some ideas, and eventually came to this one day when on a walk.

I encourage you to try a different craft, and see if it can aid you main craft, supporting your ideas and offering you a unique perspective; one you may have never noticed otherwise. 

my first attempt at this photo, shot in November 2019.

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